A Whispering God: Hearing God’s Voice in a Season of Chaos

Tulips, pen, and sticky note saying “fear not I am with you God” on a table illustrate hearing God in season of chaos

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

1 Kings 19:11-13

Have you ever had a time in your walk with God when you’re faith felt as worn as a pair of old dingy socks? I’ve definitely had those seasons in my life. The feeling of being frazzled and stressed to the point where each day blends into the other. Days when all I can do is focus on the everyday crises that threaten to overwhelm me. In these times, my faith begins to feel dull, and my life begins to feel directionless. What is God’s plan for life? If I’m doing everything right, why does it feel like my life is out of control? Will God really keep His promises to me? These are just some of the questions that begin to play on repeat in my mind during a chaotic season.

Prayer for God to Meet Us in Chaos blogpost image

The Prophet Elijah’s Experience

In the book of 1 Kings, we’re introduced to the prophet Elijah. The prophet Elijah is passionate about God and believes his ministry will help lead Israel back to worshipping God wholeheartedly. However, Elijah is taken by surprise when he completes his ministry, but doesn’t get the result he’d been expecting. Elijah demonstrated God’s power and rebuked King Ahab and Queen Jezebel for leading Israel to worship false Gods (1 Kings 19:1-3). He thought that his actions would bring about revival. Instead, Elijah has a bounty put on his head.

Feeling like a failure, Elijah ends up on the run for his life. Scared and discouraged, Elijah goes into hiding in a cave in Mount Horeb. God meets him there and tells him to stand on the mountain. God’s presence passes by as strong wind, earthquake, and fire. Yet, Elijah didn’t respond until he heard God’s still small voice (v. 12). 

Scrabble pieces spell word chaos

Elijah Hears God’s Voice in the Chaos

There were a lot of terrifying and distracting circumstances around Elijah. He feared for his life and was living in a cave. After completing the capstone task of his ministry, he felt purposeless. There were also powerful natural events happening around him in response to God’s presence. Despite all of this, it was God’s whispering voice to which Elijah immediately responded. It was through God’s quiet whispering that Elijah was comforted and received instructions for the next phase in his ministry.

Elijah’s story brings us to an important question—would we hear God if He were whispering in our lives? Would we be able to receive His comfort and instruction? Or would we be so busy, distracted, and fearful that everything else would drown out the sound of our heavenly Father’s voice?

When God Speaks to Us in a Tough Season

In all honesty, I’ve definitely been guilty of occasionally ignoring God’s whispers during a season of chaos in my life. However, I often find later that it’s God’s quiet voice that I need to hear most in those moments. It’s God who I need to speak comfort, purpose, and instruction into my current season. That’s why I love Elijah’s story because it serves as an example to all of us of the importance of seeking to hear God’s voice, even when life is chaotic and feels purposeless. 

So what about you? When life gets messy, do you seek to hear God’s voice in the chaos like Elijah? Or do you, like me, find yourself needing a reminder to seek Him in the chaos? Regardless of where you are in this process, God loves you. He wants to connect with you to bring comfort, direction, and much needed grace in your life. 

Let’s Pray to Hear God’s Voice in the Chaos

Dear Father, we need to hear your voice more than we need our next breath, especially when we feel overwhelmed or purposeless. Help us to hear you clearly as you speak words of comfort, purpose, and love.

Check out this prayer—God, Please Meet Us in the Chaos with Your Wisdom, Love, and Peace—and other prayers on the blog for inspiration for your prayer time with God.

Nice to meet you, friend! I'm a Christian and inspirational blogger. I write Christian living tips, devotionals, and prayers to encourage my fellow believers in their journey of faith.