Kingdom Confidence: Finding Our Confidence in God

Scrabble pieces spell phrase “I am with You” in reference to God speaking with Moses. Illustrates having confidence in God for your calling.

And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.”

Exodus 3:12

I wrote a letter to myself a few years ago. At the time, I was in a community leadership program. One of the leaders suggested that everyone write a letter to their future self. Who would we be? What did we want to accomplish? The letter contained our hopes and goals for the future.

About a year later, my letter arrived in the mail. As I read it, I laughed! The letter should have encouraged me, but it was full of my insecurities. I didn’t know what to do with my life. I felt insignificant and afraid that I’d somehow missed the memo of how to live a purposeful life; a memo that everyone else seemed to have received. By the grace of God, as I read the letter, I realized I no longer felt that way. During that year, I’d learned to look to God, not myself, for my sense of confidence and purpose.

A Bible Story about Finding Our Confidence in God

The sentiments in that letter reminds me of one of my favorite people in the Bible—Moses. God  appears to Moses as a burning bush to commission him for a great task. He was to rescue the Israelites out of slavery and lead them into the promised land. Yet, Moses immediately questioned God’s plan, asking “who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Moses was focused on himself. He saw his inability to speak eloquently, his exile from Egypt as a murderer, and his life as a lowly shepherd. When God called Moses, he weighed his abilities against the task God asked him to accomplish and felt inadequate. 

The truth is that Moses was inadequate, but God was not. Moses’s insecurities were met with five simple words from God: I will be with you. With God, Moses stood up to pharaoh and demanded he release the Israelites. Empowered by God, Moses brought terrible plagues on Egypt. With God’s help, Moses led the Israelites to freedom and defeated the Egyptian army. As Moses’s relationship with God progressed, so did his faith. Not faith in himself, but faith in God. He stopped talking about what he could do and started talking about what God could do! By the end of Moses’s life, the Bible tells us that there was no one like Moses who spoke to God face to face and performed numerous miracles (Deuteronomy 34:10-12).

In today’s world, we’re told that we have to be self confident. However, I believe that Christians are also called to be Kingdom confident. Like Moses, we’re called to have faith in God as we partner with Him to accomplish His purpose for our lives. 

Let’s Pray

Dear God, help me to find my confidence in you alone. Help me to trust your plan for my life and receive your strength for the things you’re calling me to do. Help me to have a legacy like Moses, who trusted you and accomplished great things in your name. 

Nice to meet you, friend! I'm a Christian and inspirational blogger. I write Christian living tips, devotionals, and prayers to encourage my fellow believers in their journey of faith.